Learn about the Bay
Do you want to discover more about the Bay's history, heritage and wildlife.
Explore a topic in depth with an expert? Enjoy our series of free lectures all about Morecambe Bay below.
Are you a teacher looking for learning resources? Our online archives bring the Bay to life through its communities and voices. Listen to oral histories about fishing on the Bay, find out what it's like to live on Sunderland Point or explore a wealth of images.
Look at the Bay's tides through the enchanting tale of 'Made by the Moon'.
Want to play and learn out on the Bay? Download our activity pack for lots of fun ideas.
Education and Learning Resources
Discover more about the Bay's history, heritage and wildlife through our learning and education resources.

Made by the Moon: A Story for Morecambe Bay
Written by Emily Hennessey and illustrated by Nina Wisnia, discover the enchanting tale of how the moon made Morecambe Bay.
Made by the Moon - discover the story here
Play around the Bay
Ideal for children, our free pack is full of ideas for play, activities and adventures around the Bay. Go on a mini beast hunt, go wild in the woods or try some cloud spotting.
Download our Activity Pack full of fun ideas
Explore our online archives
Are you interested in the heritage and natural environment of Morecambe Bay? Our 'Recording Morecambe Bay' website contains a wealth of photographs, archaeological reports, stories, memories, and maps. You can find further memories on our site 'Morecambe Bay Lives'.
Recording Morecambe Bay
Memories and Stories from the Bay's fishing communities
This series of illustrated newspapers called 'After the Ebb' celebrates the memories and stories of the Bay’s fishing communities. Read fascinating personal accounts that bring shrimping, cockling and musseling to life.
After the Ebb: Fishing Stories from Morecambe Bay
Free online talks about the Bay
Have you discovered our free online lectures and talks? Exploring a wide range of topics - from history, heritage, wildlife to conservation - listen to experts delve into fascinating subjects all about Morecambe Bay.
Explore our YouTube Channel