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Beach clean 2019 image 2
Get Involved

Volunteer and share your love of Morecambe Bay

What would you like to get involved in? Helping nature thrive? Getting hands on with archaeology? Protecting birds?

Read on to find out more about the latest volunteering opportunities with Morecambe Bay Partnership.


What’s your passion? We have many volunteering opportunities available at different times of the year supporting a wide range of projects including beach care, nature and wildlife, heritage and archaeology, Bay Cycle Way, Trampers and disabled access.

At the moment we are specifically recruiting for the following volunteer roles. If you are interested in one of these areas, please email us for more information.

We currently have over 150 volunteers working around Morecambe Bay caring for this unique and special place, protecting and celebrating the nature and heritage, cleaning up the landscape and supporting people to get out and about into the countryside.

Look what you have all contributed:

Stats about Morecambe Bay Partnership

1750 Days of time volunteered
65 tonnes of beach litter cleared
3 sites removed from the heritage risk register
130 km of cycleway maintained
117 oral histories recorded
55 heritage and nature sites surveyed
1000s of roosting and nesting birds protected from disturbance
5 all-terrain mobility scooters available
Some staff trustees June 2024

We are a dedicated team of staff & voluntary trustees

The Morecambe Bay Partnership team are committed to making great things happen, and all of whom care deeply about the communities of the Bay.

Meet our Team
Beach clean 18th aug 2022

Explore litter picking groups around the Bay

There are a number of litter picking groups around the Bay committed to cleaning their local area and beaches. Use our map to find your nearest group.

See the map here

Volunteer Application

Personal Details
Emergency Contact
Volunteer Opportunities

Please let us know which project(s) you are interested in and how you heard about them

Project *
Medical Information / Health & Safety

The organisers of all activities will, in their duty of care to you, carry out appropriate health and safety checks and undertake risk assessments as necessary. They will advise you on safe practice to undertake the tasks. However you are also responsible for your own health and safety.

Some volunteer activities for Morecambe Bay Partnership may occasionally involve physical or strenuous activity. In order to prevent any undue risk to your health and safety, please read the following declaration, tick as appropriate, and sign below:


Photography/Film/Audio Declaration

Photographs, film and audio may be recorded for use by Morecambe Bay Partnership in publicity materials including exhibitions, social media, press releases, presentations and our website.

Media Release

Data Protection

We take your privacy seriously. We will only use the personal information completed here in line with our Privacy Policy for the purposes of volunteering. We may share your information with third parties, for example, if they are running a volunteer session and need it for health and safety reasons. All data provided will be stored securely. You can request for your data to be removed from our system at any time.

Staying in Touch

Some of our volunteer opportunities may require references and you will be advised by project officers. If required, you will be asked to complete an additional form before you can begin.