We've created a sustainability resource for the outdoor community
We have worked with the outdoor event industry to create a resource that will help outdoor events be more environmentally responsible.
Download resource hereReducing Environmental Impacts of Outdoor Events
Have you been to an event where there's lots of surplus, unnecessary single use plastic? Have you seen litter left on the trails and signage left out long after the event has ended? We've created a resource that will help break this trend and encourage behaviour change at outdoor events.
Project Update: Resource is now available!
The resource is now ready to use.
Project Update
Over the last year we have been busy engaging with outdoor event businesses and organisations across Morecambe Bay and Cumbria. We had a mission to share the work of fantastic organisations already doing an amazing job at putting the environment at the heart of what they do, whilst also helping shift behaviours with outdoor events who were keen to do more, but weren't sure where to start, when it came to environmental responsibility...
We have created a resource to help with exactly this!
We have compiled lots of useful information, including a range of events and organisations, who share their journey to becoming more environmentally responsible. The booklet also provides tips and resources on things that work well (and not so well), along with practical take-aways to test out at your events. Our aim is that this booklet will support other outdoor events in moving towards more environmentally responsible behaviours within the industry.
If you are an event organiser, this is a great way to see how you can incorporate tips into your event and learn from other events. Equally, if you are someone who participates in events, this is a great way to learn more about how they can be run with nature at it's core. You could even consider sharing the resource with the events that you take part in.

Project Update
We want to harness the many positives that outdoor events bring. From improving individual's health and wellbeing and the benefits to local tourism, these activities are vital to motivate and inspire residents and visitors alike. But it's also important to ensure events don't have a negative impact on the environment.
For those of us who take part in these events, or organise them, we're in a unique and fortunate position to make positive change. We love the outdoors and enjoy taking parting in events, which puts us in the best place to figure out how to run them in a sustainable way - for nature and people.
Many event organisers are already doing great things to run events with the least amount of environmental impact.
This includes:
- Reducing the carbon footprint of the event
- Being mindful of the travel involved before, during and after the event
- Finding alternative uses for 'waste' after the event
- Protecting the biodiversity and landscape where the event takes place
- Looking into ways the event can be more sustainable and educating others along the way.
“Whether it's a 5km fun run, a trail race, fell run, triathlon, swim event, cycle sportive, challenge event or a festival - If it takes place in Morecambe Bay and the surrounding area, we would love to hear from you!”
Lauren Munro-Bennett
Beach Care Assistant
Sustainability resource for outdoor events
We'd like to connect with outdoor events organisers to help us create a resource which will include guidance on ways to reduce the negative impact events have on the environment ranging from advice on how to make the smallest of changes, all the way up to big alterations or recommendations.
We have already been working with local event companies and organisers to build this resource. These include T2 events, The Lap Windermere, Ourea Events, The Bay Limestone Round, Greener Miles Running and other organisations like Dirtbags Climbing, Trees Not Tees, Green Small Business and Trash Free Trails.
The resource will allow event organisers to easily get help and guidance to run events in the most sustainable way possible.
If you are an event organiser or take part in these event, we would love to hear from you!
Please get in touch as we would love to hear your thoughts. Alternatively, pass this information on to event organisers you know.
If you are interested in the project, please contact Lauren at lauren@morecambebay.org.uk.
Download the resource
Find out how you can make your event more sustainable with our handy resource pack.
Reducing Environmental Impacts of Outdoor Events FINAL