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Chapel Island Credit MBP

Join us for a very special event this September

Gather with us for a special evening exploring Chapel Island's unique location, history and wildlife. Then a few days later, step into the Bay, cross Chapel Island's surrounding sands and walk in the footsteps of monks, fishermen and travellers. We'll also have the opportunity to visit historic Collins Weir which has been unearthed from the sands by recent tides.

Chapel Island Event

Join us for this special event celebrating Chapel Island and its surrounding sands - discover the rich past and present of this unique area of Morecambe Bay.

Together we’ll uncover Chapel Island’s fascinating past & present at this two-part event :

Part One: Online Gathering and Talk for Walkers on Wednesday 25th September at 7 - 8 pm

Part Two: Walk the sands near Chapel Island and visit Collins Weir on Saturday 28th September 2024 at 2.00 pm

Where and what is Chapel Island?

Chapel Island is a limestone outcrop that lies in the Leven estuary of Morecambe Bay, less than one mile (1.6 km) from the shoreline at Bardsea. A small chapel on the island once served the needs of travellers and fishermen working in the Leven, and the island itself was refuge to those caught out by the tide while crossing the sands. Now uninhabited, this small island offers up a rich and deep history, and currently plays a vital role protecting the Bay’s birdlife.

What is Collins Weir?

High tides and moving sands have uncovered a long stretch of a structure called Collins Weir. Begun in 1847, contractors Collins built the weir in an attempt to keep the main river channel over to the Ulverston side of the Leven estuary for ships to access Ulverston canal. Covered by sands for long stretches of time, it's rare to see this piece of history emerge from the Bay.

Wednesday 25th September at 7pm:

Before we walk together on Saturday 28th September, we invite you to get to know Chapel Island and the surrounding sands. Join us online for an evening of historic bay crossings, monks, travellers, quarrymen and fishing communities. We’ll also look at present day Chapel Island, and the pivotal role this island now plays in protecting Morecambe Bay’s wildlife.

Saturday 28th September 2024 at 2.00pm

On Saturday, we’ll cross the sands on foot from Sandgate near Flookburgh. Led by Raymond Porter, Guide to the Leven Estuary, this special walk will venture onto the sands, passing near to Chapel Island and visiting Collins Weir. A lesser known route across the sands of Morecambe Bay, this is a rare opportunity to walk in the footsteps of Chapel Island's monks, fishermen and travellers.

Want to know more about this event and what to expect?

In our guide below, we give you a little taste of what you can expect from this special walk & the preceding online gathering. Find out more about the walking route, the walk timetable and why you don't want to miss out.

Tickets for this special two-part event are limited to 100 capacity so that our impact on the sands and its wildlife is managed sensitively. Please book early to avoid disappointment as we cannot increase capacity.

Funds raised by the event and ticket sales will make a lasting difference providing vital funds to protect the Bay's nature, heritage and culture and helping us to keep Morecambe Bay special for years to come.

Read about our impact here and how your support makes a real difference to the people and places of Morecambe Bay.

JWM Turner Crossing Lancaster Sands c 1826 British Museum
Chapel Island and Guide MBP
Male Eider Getty I Mages
Cormorant Getty Images
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Collins Weir Guide over Sands Trust
Collins Weir Guide over Sands Trust

Find out more about the event before booking

For full information about the walk, and a guide to what you can expect from the event, please see our mini info booklet here.

Read our mini event booklet here
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Book your place on this special event here

Your ticket covers both an evening of history and nature online, and a rare walk into the sands of Chapel Island and to historic Collins Weir. Join us for this very special two-part event, reading the event info before booking.

Book your place now