Join our 'Love Morecambe Bay' campaign
In September 2023, we launched 'Love Morecambe Bay' - a brand new way for people and businesses to support and champion the awesome sands, sunsets, historic places, and wildlife we all love.
Read on to find out how you can get involved and support this magical place - Morecambe Bay.
Love Morecambe Bay
We know so many of you love Morecambe Bay and want this precious place to be protected and cared for - now and into the future.
With that in mind, we've developed different strands of support for the culture, nature and heritage of Morecambe Bay - a menu of ways in which you can get involved to suit your pocket and situation. Whether you're a Bay business looking for ways to enhance Morecambe Bay for locals and visitors, or an individual with a passion for the Bay and its future, there are plenty of ways you can make a difference.
Explore 'Love Morecambe Bay' and join our growing community of people who want to care for and protect Morecambe Bay.
Our press release for 'Love Morecambe Bay' is also available here.

Want to get involved?
Explore ways in which you can support Morecambe Bay and make a difference
Find out more here
What do we do in the Bay?
Find out more about what we do and the impact we have on the people and places of Morecambe Bay.
What We Do & Our Impact