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JOIN! our special Morecambe Bay Day on 16 Oct Find out more here

Emily Hennessey Arnside 2018 3
Calling all schools!

Celebrate Morecambe Bay Day - 16 October 2024

It's 250 years since 'Morecambe Bay' first appeared on a map! We're celebrating and raising money for the Bay with local schools.

Celebrate Morecambe Bay Day - 16 October 2024

This year marks 250 years since the words ‘Morecambe Bay’ appeared on a map!* To mark the occasion, we’re inviting schools around the Bay to celebrate a special Morecambe Bay Day and champion this amazing place.

By taking part your school will be helping to raise money directly for the Bay through local charities Morecambe Bay Partnership, which runs projects caring for nature, heritage and our communities, and Bay Search & Rescue who are dedicated to keeping people safe around our coast.

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How will your school celebrate? Here’s some fun fundraising ideas to get you started:

  • Have a non-uniform day or dress up in the colours of a spectacular Morecambe Bay sunset – pink, orange, yellow, red - in exchange for a small donation.
  • Turn Morecambe Bay silver & gold – add a coin to a Morecambe Bay Map.
  • Hold a bake sale or challenge - who can make a biscuit in the shape of the Eric Morecambe Statue?
  • Sell some Morecambe Bay Quiz sheets – who knows most about the Bay in your family?
  • Hold a Morecambe Bay-inspired art competition for a small entry fee.
  • Take a sponsored walk from your school to your nearest Morecambe Bay coast or river. What can you see along the way?
  • Do a sponsored litter pick around your school.

As a thank you, we’ll be sharing FREE resources for schools taking part including a video with Bay Search & Rescue about how to stay safe around the Bay, plus a range of digital leaflets and guides to support you.

Keep in touch. Tell us you are taking part by emailing so we can send you the resources. Don’t forget to send us your amazing photos on the day too!

*The first map showing the name ‘Morecambe Bay’ appeared in The Antiquities of Furness by Thomas West, 1774!

How your school's donations will help the Bay

Bay Search and Rescue

A rescue team staffed by a dedicated team of volunteers and funded almost entirely from public donations, BSAR operate special all-terrain vehicles to help the emergency services rescue people, animals and vehicles from quicksand, snow and floods. Donations help keep this unique service running, helping to buy vital equipment and covering fuel and operating costs

Morecambe Bay Partnership

We are the Bay's coastal champions. A charity working with communities to keep Morecambe Bay special and ensure people, nature and heritage here can thrive, now and in the future. Donations help fund programmes to protect nature, tackle pollution, improve access for all, create opportunities for disadvantaged young people and support our amazing heritage and nature volunteers.

Visit our Morecambe Bay Day Just Giving page to find out more about how your money helps Morecambe Bay.

West antiquities of furness 1774
Sunderland Point Tramper trail foreshore Wildey Media
Adult child silver hug c Dave Willis
BSAR sign

Visit our 'Morecambe Bay Day' JustGiving page

Find out how all funds raised by your school will help Morecambe Bay

Find out more here

Get your 'Celebrate Morecambe Bay Day' flyer here

Interested? Want to join in? Get your full list of fundraising ideas and how to take part, in one handy flyer.

Download your copy here

Let us know you're taking part

Tell us you're taking part in 'Morecambe Bay Day' so we can send your school FREE resources from leaflets and guides to a new Bay safety video.

Drop us an email here

Find out more about Bay Search & Rescue

Discover more about local charity, Bay Search & Rescue, who are part of Morecambe Bay Day.

Find out more about Bay Search & Rescue